Routing Number & Wire Transfer Info
Routing Number
Our routing number is 211288307 for all direct deposits and ACH transactions. The routing number for wire transfers is different.
Wire Transfers
Take the hassle out of sending money locally and internationally. Wire transfers are a safe and secure way to transfer large sums of money from one bank account to another.
Be aware that there are wiring scams. Never accept a check from someone who asks you to then wire all or some of the money back to them. Chances are good the check is a fake. If something about a wire request seems suspicious, reach out to us, and we can help review it with you.
Sending money
Call during business hours at 207.772.0808 or stop by any of our branch locations to send an outgoing wire. Requests need to be received before 3:00 pm to be wired the same day. Confirm the receiving financial institution’s specific wiring instructions before requesting a transfer.
Be prepared to provide:
- Your name and Social Security number
- Name, address, phone number, and ABA or routing number of the financial institution receiving the wire
- Account number you are depositing funds into
- Name and address of the individual(s) receiving the funds
Receiving money
The institution sending you funds needs the following information:
- Receiving Bank: TRICORP FCU (ABA 2112-9166-6)
- Further Credit To: TruChoice FCU (ABA 2112-8830-7)
- Final Credit To: your account number
If you want to receive an international wire, please note the wire instructions are different. This printable form has the correct international wiring instructions. It is very important that these instructions are followed exactly. Funds must be in US dollars. There is a $25 fee which is posted to your account when the wire is received.
Processing fees do apply when sending wires. TruChoice does not charge a fee to receive funds from US banks (but some other financial institutions do) however there is a $25 fee to receive international wires. Please see the fee schedule for further details.